Over the past month, the Planet Theta platform has seen many finishing touches. We’ve improved performance, full body IK, user interface, and are continuing to add features. You can easily change your movement options, and reset your default height if you prefer to play seated. Mouth movements are now replicated in the voice chat. This feature really heightens the immersion of the conversation. When asking someone on a date, the date notifications are more informative and include a profile picture. Also, linking your headset to your profile has never been easier.
The UI has been extensively redesigned to be more accessible, We have improved the registration process and other flows to be more intuitive as well.

We are continually optimizing the quest 2 for mass adoption and pushing the envelope for a high-quality VR experience. Other VR platforms may have higher performance, but we are consistently making headway to close the gap through optimization and testing. The look and feel of the app is also optimized to achieve a buttery smooth framerate.
Unsure if you are ready for that date? You can now see your avatar on your profile to double-check your look before playing. We’ve worked to improve the avatar loading system and logging in and exploring has never been easier. We’ve also simplified the look of the UI to make it easier to find what you want to do.

Finally, We’ve added more interaction to the level and made it possible to gift certain items. For example, you can throw darts at Aaron’s bar now! There are 2 more levels nearing completion to further improve the exploration and communication options. It’s becoming the best virtual space to meet and build meaningful relationships. Check out our latest build today!